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Monday, March 31, 2008

the simians fail to deliver, but the museum itself did not...

O.K, the sold out simian mobile disco at the museum of natural history event on Friday march 28th was just alright. The best part of their whole set was when they finally played their hit song "I believe" in what seemed to be an orgasmic experience( I was dancing a lot, but some people in the crowd were just losing their minds). I have to say the best part for me was when my friend and I stumbled upon a special showing in the planetarium of "Signs of Life", where narrator Harrison Ford told us about how unique our solar system is, but is it really?, while we sat and looked up at an incredible show of space. I highly recommend any show in that planetarium simply because it's different and it might be something you haven't seen yet. If anything, this experience has inspired me to go back to the museum of natural history for a closer look.


Great French animation

I found this and thought how maybe in another dimension I work in the animation industry. Wouldn't it be fabulous? Well, since I'm in this dimension, where I have no idea what job I'll have by next year and claim to be in the post production world I have to suffice with living vicariously through people like the students at Paris's Gobelins School of Image. They made this little film called Sebastien. I think New York Magazine got it right when they described this as short, sweet, and magical.
Go here to see video...

and go here to see many other works by the Gobelins school of image...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

someone fucked her shit up!

o basically Lara Flynn Boyle (the bitch that used to be on the practice, dated jack nicholson, and went to some award show dressed as a ballerina) went and fucked up her face with some crazy botox or surgery. Homegirl is on a new level.

Friday, March 28, 2008

boombox pillowcase set

Shit, I even wanna look cool while I sleep. That's why I'm gonna get these pillow cases. fucking awesome and adds so much personality to your bed. OK, no music comes out the pillow, but you can make your own. Get this at urbanoutfitters.com

The Simians are coming!

Oh snaps, going to see Simian Mobile Disco DJ at the Museum of Natural History tonight.
This UK band is fucking awesome and people really should investigate them.
go here to get your first hit of the song "I believe" and believe me you'll be listening to this like a crack head. Thank me later


weekend mode...

Hopefully everyone is getting ready for the weekend, cause guess what? bitches are tired and it's time to relax boo boo. I say keep an eye out for the weather and pick up a book like I am about to do. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is what I am going to be reading next and I just cant wait. This book is good for people that are comic book geeks, people that are dominican, people that like funny fiction, people that like an underdog...so that covers a lot of people.
Let's get to it peeps, then we can dish.