I found this article on New York Magazine's website and need to share it. It's just telling us what we already know, but I'm glad more people are starting to say something about why certain groups get targeted for possession of Mary Jane.
I have been keeping my eye on Kat for a while, ever since last summer's hit "Whine Up" made me shake it and break it. Her new single "Run the show" is HOT. I don't know why it took this long to turn up with her second single, but I think they are going to re-release her album, so she's trying to build up the hype. You can see her video down below...
Luisa text me like at 6AM to tell me how nice the day was...So I left my house early, got off the train 2 stops before I was supposed to, and walked a little. I suggest everyone take at least 30 minutes today and go take a walk or have your lunch outside. This will be great for your mental health. Go get less crazy people
This Tranny has a fierce attitude and some uncanny moves. If you want to catch Peppermint go to XES Lounge on Sundays, where she hosts Karaoke at 10PM. Don't be shocked if she "puts on" her nails while she's on stage, because she might have been stuck on the G train and now it's your bizness. Tell 'em Peppermint!!
I have been thinking about Iron man so much that I totally forgot about my main man Batman. Well, this is the new poster for the film. It makes me even more interested in the Joker. I just think its going to be such a high level of acting, so over the top and intense and that's what the character really requires, so I'm just really excited for this role. The movie comes out July 18th!!!
Does Santogold sound a little familiar to you? I like her, but I just found out she used to write for Res, the girl that had that song "They say vision". Very very similar, although Santogold seems to have a bit more edge. Her song "Ill be there" and Les Artistes" are on my playlist right now.
This product is so amazing, so fabulous, that I had to write about it. This is my number one beauty secret people! It's called Facial Fuel and you can get it at Kiehls. Its a mix of moisturizers and caffeine to wake up your face. It works, It feels good, and gets me looking pretty. Its part of their men's product line, but I'm sure no one will mind if the girls join in on the fun.
The Argentinean cookie at Europa Cafe is just heaven. It transported me back to the days of Dominican birthday cakes and dulce de leche treats back when I was little. The combination of shortbread and caramel is just...It's just...an orgasmic explosion filling every corner and crevice in your mouth. I can't wait for my next encounter with these perfect cookies...
Christina Ricci looks cute here at the red carpet premier of Speed Racer. I have to say, she really is looking less like a bobble head and more like a Hollywood leading lady. Well, let's not get carried away here. I'm sure she will start going back to her weird ways in no time, cause we all know she's a little messed up in the head.
First I was shocked to walk into Forever 21 with a girlfriend and find that they now made men's clothes. Now I'm even more shocked to see that you can get everything from the store ONLINE! This is crazy. The Forever 21 people are really making money. The place is always packed, and I can't go in there without at least buying one thing. Theres so much stuff that theres bound to be one thing you will like. Men's clothing is only available at the 14th street and 34th street locations...or online.
Luisa and I went to Peep in Soho not expecting anything more than a simple meal. What we got was amazing pricing and delicious Tangerine scallops. On weekends there is a Pre-Fix menu that allows you, for $8.50, to eat like the trendy manhattanite you are. You get a drink, a starter, and an entree to savour. I think Peep has definitely found a place in my restaurant circle.
O.K, it's not really crocodile Pizza, but if you go to the Crocodile Lounge on a Sunday night and buy any drink you will be the lucky recipient of a free mini-personal pizza pie. Amazing. I'm still in shock that I did not know about this. The pizza was not bad at all. they make it on the spot.
Yuca fries from whole foods...BANGING!You see all those fries? I was not sharing. Not one of those went into anyone elses mouth. ONLY MINE MINE MINE!!!YummGo get your own bitches.
This is the puppy I want!!!I should have stolen it from the woman who had him. It's a cocker spaniel, but it might be mixed with something else. I'm not sure. Look how cute, AWWWWWWW.
Stay away from this pretentious and over rated restaurant called coffee shop in the Union Square area. I went there today and not only was the waiter rude, but the service in general from the whole staff was atrocious. I will not be returning here and will partake in bad mouthing the facility in any occasion that I can.
If you are in public (or in private, whatever) wearing jeans and a jean jacket at the same time then you are not right. You are just not right and no explanation is needed. Just know that you must never do this again and that if you are caught in this shameful act again you will be hunted down by the fabulous Ru and he will make you burn all your jean clothes just to make sure you never do it again. The end.
Annie Leibovitz is still going with these Disney inspired pics.
The most recent is Julianne Moore as Ariel from the little mermaid. Personally, I feel she's too old to portray that character and they could have chosen someone a little more fresh. Some other Celebs are down below in case you have missed it. For the most part I really like these.
I remember waking up extra early so I could watch the mess that was captain planet. He was sexy, no doubt about it, but his skin was a little too blue for me. Looking back at it now, we really need the captain, because global warming is kicking our ass!
Ashton is HOT, there's no doubt about that. Just look at his sexy lips and hair and everything, but im sad to report that's all there is. His movies are always disapointing and he hasnt really wowed me with anything else. He should have been a model (which is how he started actually, for Calvin Klein) and never made the jump into Hollywood. Theres some new movie with him and Cameron Diaz that I keep seeing the trailer for, but I'm not even going to mention the name because this blog is only about fabulous shit and the only reason Ashton is even on here is because he looks good in this cover for Details magazine. 'Nuff said.
Top model finally picks up and tickles me somewhere nice. These girls had to do a Cover Girl commercial in Italy...and you guessed it, in Italian! Not only was the whole thing hillarious, but it actually made me want to watch the rest of the upcoming episodes. It took a while to get some pizzaz, but I'm glad it's finally worth my viewing time. Please click below to see the girls embarrass themselves. Dominique turns out to be the funniest one. Oh, and the girl I hate ends up going home. YAY!!!
I just love the Svedka vodka robot. She is f***ing HOT! If I was a straight robot I would do her. Someone needs to be this bitch for Halloween. Any volunteers?
Speed Racer looks good I guess. A lot of eye candy, but for some reason I'm not being pulled in all the way. Is it because it's a movie about cars? I don't like car movies at all. Herbie, no thanks. Pixar's Cars, hell no. Now Speed Racer is coming and I don't know what to think. Christina Ricci looks cool, but who knows how long she's even in the film. Hollywood people are always trying to trick somebody. Remember when Scream came out and Drew Barrymore was on the cover poster for it, then she dies in the first 10 minutes and we are left with Neve Campbell? Yeah. I remember.
How cute is Amy Adams? I am so in love with her! Loved her in Junebug, Enchanted, and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. She has the short haircut now because she's making the movie about that famous blogger who decided to cook only Julia Child recipes for an entire year. I can't wait.
PS. Guess who is gonna be Julia Child (they do flashbacks in the film)?....you ready? MERYL STREEP!
I don't really like Wolverine. I think he's my least favorite X-man, but I wont deny the fact that I will probably be going to see the film thats being made about him starring Hugh Jackman. The reason? Cameos! In the film the characters of Deadpool, Sabretooth, and even Gambit are set to appear. Jubilee will probably not make the cut, but she never does, so it's not a surprise.
I have said before how much I like Leona Lewis, but this is just not cute. SONY BMG is trying to literally make this bitch Mariah. Not only is it fake and lame, but I feel like they don't really care about who is buying all this. They just want to make money by making this "product". This is not cool at all. They are fucking up big time.
Emma has a lot to celebrate. After playing Hermoine all those years in the Harry Potter films (and she still has 2 or 3 films to go), she finally got her paycheck after turning 18. Wanna know how much? 20 MILLION!!! That's right people. She is rolling around in money at night and laughing while she smells it. That's what I would do if I got all that money at once.
Look at Madonna's Kid Lourdes all grown up! She thinks she's hot shit walking with her dad, but I think it's cute that they are holding hands. I used to do that too when I was little too. Awwwwwwwwww.
What is this girl thinking? I mean...She just....Um.... I am speachless. Either this is a desperate cry for attention or this girl is living in her own planet. 'nuff said.
I really want to like Rumer Willis, but she just looks strange. She really does look like Demi and Bruce, but that's not amounting to major hotness. I want to like her, but the ugliness and weird posing is getting in the way. Maybe if she made a movie or an album or something I might be more inclined to gravitate towards here, rather than just liking her because she's a celebrity kid.
Hollywood has decided that they want to remake the movie Teen Witch! What?? Bullshit! The reason I'm even more pissed is that they are taking one of the girls from High School musical for this. I don't know their names because they are all ugly, but it's the blonde one I'm talking about. I am outraged and will boycott this to the end...
Looks like Audrey Tautou is in demand. Not only is she going to be in the movie Priceless (which looks charming), but she might be the new face of Chanel's No.5 scent. Remember the Nicole Kidman ad? It was beautiful. Hopefully Tautou could follow up with something just as cinematic.
Things just get stranger and stranger. Diego Luna is going to be in a new film called Mister Lonely by Harmony Korine. It chronicles the life of a Michael Jackson impersonator who meets a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. She leads him to a small community where a whole bunch of impersonators live in their own little utopia (they even have a stage for performances). Everything unravels at some point and we are taken on a ride with characters that are playing famous characters. Ha ha. Should be good actually.
I found this picture of Marilyn Monroe on the internet somewhere and wanted to share the awesomeness of this. Well, I also wanted to tell you how there is some sort of Marilyn sex tape floating around (I had no idea), and that some guy that is a huge fan and collector bought it for more money than the lottery gives out. This woman is still being used even after she's dead. People do not have any respect.
Shia is going to be in a new movie about a pill that makes you get smarter. Everything is going great for him, but then the pills side effects kick in and everything goes to shit. haha. This should be fun. The name of the movie is Dark Fields. I guess it's in pre-production now.
Some bitch stole my idea!I had talked to my friend about a couple of different ideas I had for writting a book. One of the ideas was how The ancient Greek Gods are reincarnated into the present and this is their last chance to convince humanity that they exist. Well, some bitch wrote a book about how the ancient Greek Gods are out and about in England somewhere and they all have odd jobs, like Aphrodite is a prostitute and Artemis is a mailman or something. I am so pissed. Now I need a new idea. GRRRRR!BUT, now I'm going to have to buy this book. sounds funny actually, even if she did steal my idea. Its called Gods behaving badly by Marie Phillips. I'm already almost done with the book I just bought 3 days ago, so Ill buy this one at some point this week.
Lance turned out to be a little slut!I feel like every 2 weeks he's with some new guy. They are almost always better looking than him too. That's not fair. So because he's famous he gets to have some top grade ass when he should be having sex with cross eyed boys? Cuase if you look into Lance's eyes you can see he almost came out a little slow, but some miracle saved him when he was in his mothers womb. Like, she probably ate a lot of fruit and saved him. I'm running on and on, but my point is that Lance should not be having this much sex. Its an imbalance in the universe.
Look at these ladies acting like they don't hate each other. They really are good actresses!Sarah Jessica should win an Oscar for actually looking pretty here, but maybe it's all about the dress? And look at Kim. She looks so forced. I know everyone loves sex and the city, but I am really over it. It should have ended on TV and I will not be paying 12 dollars to watch them on the big screen. Ill wait for the DVD and then borrow it from someone.
The next book I will be reading is called Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie. Sounds like a story that can make you think differently about the world and appreciate what you already have a little more. This is not entirely fiction because it takes place in China 1970's when the "cleaning of the culture" movement had begun. The characters might be fictional, but I am sure they hit very close to what was actually going on. Seems like a short book, but from what I have heard, potent.
ps. there is a movie adaptation of this and even was even nominated for a Golgen Globe award!
The Fabulous RU Blog is here to make sure you notice some fabulous things that you might have otherwise overlooked because of your very busy schedule. I point out restaurants, clothing items, music, other blogs, comics, bars, images from fashion magazines, museum exhibits, etc.
Our mission is to expose the best there is to offer and create our own "must" list that you can use as a guide whenever you need to.
Everyone is fabulous in their own way, especially if you have The Fabulous Ru Blog on your side.