This site is awesome. Superheroes all over in speedos, and shirtless. It's funny because you always see them in uniforms or something, but this guy has been collecting all the times any shirtless activity goes on. It's worth a look. Here are some of the coolest ones I found. And yes, My geek level went up like 2 more points, but fuck you anyways.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More Comic Con 2008

These new amazing pics are courtesy of my FABULOUS cousin Diana. Bitch had so much fun and I'm jealous. I went to the Comic Con in NYC once, but as soon as I walked in I could tell that it is fer sure not as cool as the San Diego one. I heard the Wolverine trailer is also out and features Gambit, Deadpool, The blob, Sabretooth, etc. I did not post it because the quality is very low due to the fact that this was captured by some geek on his phone. I will wait for something better to pop up and then post it. I'm sure it wont be long.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Angry Naomi

Someone else is angry today. Naomi is going to shoot your ass if you don't pay attention to black models! lol. This video by Nick Knight is the first "political fashion film" and it's trying to send a message out of truth. Let me know what you think. At the end Naomi loses it and becomes like a demon...more then she already is! Love this!!!
Angry Johnny
Monday, July 28, 2008
Comic Con 2008: The geeks did it up!
I'm bringing Buffy back!

I don't know what compelled me, but I decided to download Buffy the vampire slayer, season 1. THANK GOD! I forgot how funny this shit was. The dialogue is awesome! I just finished watching the first episode and now im giddy as a Japanese school girl and I'm going to watch the next one right away. Actually I'm surprised they never made a remake movie with the cast from the T.V show. Hmmmmm
Blockheads 3 dollar Margaritas

I was going to write about this on Friday, but I was too drunk from all the margaritas I had. LOL. Blockheads, on 50th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues is the perfect Summer spot. You can sit outside and chill with your 3 dollar drinks. It's so cheap here! The food is cheap, drinks are cheap. The only thing I warn is be ready to wait. Everyone and their mother knows about this place now and they all want a piece of the action. I don't know when this pic was taken, but it was must have been on a Sunday at like 6AM or something, because this place is never ever that empty.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Gay Soccer
Sex and the Broderick

Star Magazine is reporting that Matthew B is having an affair with some 25 year old chick. I'm not sure I'm buying it just yet. Star magazine is a trashy tabloid that will do anything to sell copies of their trash. If it is true, then I am sure that the gays will rally around Sarah Jessica and pick her up from the drama that has transpired into her real life. Maybe she will forgive him? Maybe this shit is totally false? Stay tuned.
Passive Agressive Notes blog

My co-worker Justin filled me in on this very funny blog site called Basically, people from all over submit notes they have received and you get to be in on the fun. I posted 2 of my favorites from what I've read so far.
Olympic setting
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Gisele in W Magazine
I found some new Bachalo

It's not really new. I think Bachalo drew this for some online magazine that comes out in Paris, but I just found it somehow. AWESOME! For those of you who do not know about my geek level, just know that whenever Chris Bachalo draws anything related to X-men, or Marvel for that matter, I buy it. He is my absolute favorite artist in the comic world. I'm posting some of his other stuff below just so you can grasp the amazingness and maybe you will become a fan too.

Lindsay back on Ugly Betty set

Here is our favorite girl on the set of Ugly Betty with America. She has some new episodes in the new season where she plays an out of luck girl that used to make fun of Betty in school, but now the roles have changed. I'm just glad this girl is not at parties drinking and being a slut anymore. That was a huge turn off for someone with so much talent.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
R.I.P Estelle Getty

We will always have you on the Golden Girl DVD's we own and in our hearts. Thanks for the laughs.
Estelle was battling Lewy Body dementia. I hope she died in her sleep or something.
Here is a clip to celebrate her life and her amazing contribution to Television...
I Love my Labbit!
Aubrey just wants to piss me off

Here is Aubrey in the Hairspray Musical with that loser from O-Town who is in it as well. Must the hair be so high and tangles like dog poop? She just wants to piss me off. I know it. I saw the original hairspray with Luisa the other night and It is sad to see such trash try to re invent it. The play is lame and the new re-make of the movie is even lamer. If you want Hairspray please rent or buy the original with Ricky Lake in it.

Maggie slips...

You leave this girl an lone for one second and she goes and does something like this. A few days ago I posted how great she looked at the Batman premiere and then she goes and does this. I don't know who told her this was O.K, but i knew she would do something like this. As soon as people start calling her pretty she freaks out and wants to do something "different". God help us all. And baby Jesus needs to help us too. And the virgin Mary. Everyone!
Wendy Williams and Omarosa...Ghetto TV
Wendy Williams has had a TV show for about 2 days and already things are getting ugly. She had Omarosa (from Apprentice fame) on to promote her new book. They basically starting arguing and dissing each other on TV! I don't think it was planned like this, but these 2 are just unpredictable. watch below to see how dumb they both look.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Aubrey looks a MESS
Prospect Park Fun
It was such a hot day Saturday, but going to prospect park for what I thought would be a free movie turned into so much more. It was a celebration to Asian cultures that started off with a group called Soh Daiku. They perform folkloric Japanese drum songs and as lame as that may sound, they really had the crowd yelling and screaming for more. It was awesome to see one of the older ladies from the group do a cartwheel and bang some drums.
The moment came for Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon to begin. It was amazing because DJ Karsh Kale added an all new musical score to the movie...LIVE! It was freaking awesome. The music gave the very old school Kung Fu movie what it has always needed, a little more kick. Coincidently, the parks coordinators scheduled the viewing of this movie without realizing that it was the night commemorating the anniversary of Bruce Lee's death.
The moment came for Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon to begin. It was amazing because DJ Karsh Kale added an all new musical score to the movie...LIVE! It was freaking awesome. The music gave the very old school Kung Fu movie what it has always needed, a little more kick. Coincidently, the parks coordinators scheduled the viewing of this movie without realizing that it was the night commemorating the anniversary of Bruce Lee's death.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dolce & Gabanna Winter show 2009
Junot Diaz reads in Central Park
This was so much fun. Junot Diaz read a bit from his novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. The best part though was when he read 2 separate pieces from unpublished works. A real treat. I asked him at the end of the program when the book would come out in Spanish and he assured everyone that it will be available on August 1st. I also wanted to know if it was true that Miramax bought the rights to his novel and he said that was true. The funniest part of the whole event was how they had a Q&A and this really professional lady (who talked a lot!) kept asking all these questions and Junot would curse and say "fuck" as if she was one of his homeboys. You gotta love that. Enjoy this video of Junot reading from his book.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gisele in V Magazine
Gisele has a new cover and spread in V Magazine shot by Testino and oh my God. WTF!
Everything is shredded jeans, but she looks freaking HOT. I did see a poster of this on my way to work this morning and I kind of blushed. It was so early in the morning and there was Gisele, half naked and working it. In the article she keeps trying to convince us that modeling is just a job and she's not really a diva or anything and that she tries to do the best job possible so she wont let her team down. I'm not buying it. When you have this many people salivating over you, you have to know you are the fucking BOMB!
Batman countdown

I am going to start counting down. I just can't take it anymore. Batman tomorrow night at 7:45!!! And fuck you because yes I will be wearing my Batman shirt. I don't want to hear it, it has to happen. I'm going to be one of those geeks yelling and having convulsions when I see the Joker. OH SHIT! Betty is taking me as a birthday present. Thanks Betty! Hope you survive the experience. Wahahahahhahahhahaaaaa.
The Frying Pan
Go get a Mimobot

I have had a USB flash drive for a while now. No one uses CD's or floppy disk anymore. This is the new way to save everything and take it wherever you need to go. Its small and with Mimoco you can get something that fits your personal style instead of getting some generic crap at best buy. I have the Chewbaca one, but hes sold out. Have fun!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
August Restaurant NYC
August was really an orgasm in my mouth. Please do yourself a favor and go here sometime. Try the oven roasted whole orata (have them fillet it for you) and get ready to have an experience like never before. Personally I really enjoyed the lamb, but Luisa really lucked out with the orata. Next time I make my way out there that's what I'll be having. The waiter and staff were also very friendly. How can you go wrong with great service and great food and the occasional celebrity spotting (I saw Jake Gyllenhaal here one time)? The answer is you just need to get here as soon as you can.

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