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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Britney goes 1-2-3

It just took one click and now I'm addicted to this song. I can't get it out of my brain! lol
Enjoy Britney Spears new single "3".


jean said...

Britney who?
I can't betray my devotion to X'tina Aguilera dearest Rudy.
La chica is a whole lot classier than Shitney. And X'tina doesn't mime on stage thus cheating people who PAY to hear her sing. Unlike whatshername. That Circus tour was the epitome in trash and deceit. The presentation was a giagantically hot tranny mess and if the silly people in front had stopped screaming their nicotine filled lungs out they would have heard Neyney's offkey voice and noticed her embaressing attempt at the choreography.
X'tina is a Godess personified on stage.

I watched the Louis Vuitton collection (streamlined on Facebook)about an hour ago and I can't get it out of my brain. How dull it was...

The Fabulous Ru said...

Jean, you keep making me laugh out loud! Well, to be honest, I am also more of a Xtina fan, BUT I just really like this song. You have to take it for what it's worth. It's just a good dance track and I like the melody. When it comes to live performing then I choose Xtina all the way

jean said...

Hahahaha!!! I know Ru hun! I never really mean any harm. Must be That Time of The Month approaching.LOL!

Anyway here's a better version of Bitnay's Raydar by my friend La Coacha. Hilarious. Enjoy!

Btw my brother and I have a crush on Aram (the guy with the blue polo).Hope the link works!
