I don't know hoe people get away with this type of stuff, but today i randomly looked at the Starbucks House Blend decaf coffee packaging, only to find the words "Caffeine removed with Methylene Chloride". Honestly, a red flag went up immediately. Anything that says the word chloride is a red flag. Then I googled it and this is what I found...
"Methylene chloride is produced commercially in large volumes by direct chlorination of methane or methyl chloride. Methylene chloride is an important solvent in paint and varnish strippers and in degreasing agents. It is used in the production of photographic films, synthetic fibers, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, inks, and printed circuit boards. It is employed as a blowing agent for polyurethane foams and as a propellant for insecticides, air fresheners, and paints."
Basically, this is what is used to get rid of the caffeine in the coffee. I am sure that after the process there might be very little or none of the chemical left in the actual blend, but I thought you should know how your decaf coffee is made so that you can research it and decide for yourself.