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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Rachel Zoe project is BANANAS

First of all, I want everyone to know that I don't have a TV anymore. I gave it away because guess what, I had it sitting there and did not turn it on for about 4 months. I watch everything online now.
Last night I finally went on Bravo.com and started watching The Rachel Zoe project. I think last season was good, but this season seems to be more focused and with a lot more of our friend JOEY!
Stay tuned so you can get tips from the RZ crew on how to be more FABULOUS! The show airs Mondays at 10PM on Bravo.


jean said...

No TV set? You loco becoz the day you have an Internet shutdown(and these thing do and eventually happen)you'll be happy to watch the news on TV and Kayne West getting strangled at last.
JMO Ru but live your life hun.

:el fano: said...

i wanted to [try] to do that.. {watch everything on-line} but there is just TO MUCH [ha] I can't live with the DVR!!!!!!!! [i think [NOT] everything] is available on-line.. but I could be sooo soo soo [so] very wrong with THAT statement! [lol] anyway.. TRZP!!!!! [is] BANANAS!! and I love each and every minute of it!!!! [do you like the logo?] lol big hugs!! xo xo :el fano:

Honey T said...

oh, yeah I happen to have this show on and I saw him...and it took me a bit to remember how I knew him. when I did...I thought:FIERCE!!!!:)