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Thursday, October 15, 2009

First NYC Dumpling Festival October 24th!

Get ready to eat more dumplings than ever in the first NYC dumpling festival. The festival is presented by Chef One and will take place on October 24th from 10AM to 5PM @ the Sara D. Roosevelt Park. There will also be an all you can eat contest for those will an iron stomach.
Get ready to start the dumpling mania!

Please go to http://www.dumplingfestival.com/ for more information and details on signing up for the eating contest.


jean said...

Child I'm sure Karl Lagerfeld won't be there!
Here's the winner of last year's NYC 'eat-all-you-can dumpling contest. She moved to Frisco, became a martial arts and hilarious loud mouth expert, travelled on the Muni bus everyday wth her blue Made In China anorak and recently became a YouTube star.Hope the link works otherwise hit 'bus fight in sf' on YouTube.


:el fano: said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u [sooo] can't do "all-you-can-eat" but DUMPLING FESTIVAL??!! ahhhhhhhhhhh I sooooooooooooooooo need to be there! =) HA!! xo xo :el fano:

:el fano: said...

ps: "u" was supposed to be "i" see not having my BB is making my MIND melt!! [ha] xo xo :el fano: