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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Letterman is just like the cheating politicians he jokes about

Give me a reason to hate a gap toothed person and I will run with it like the wind. This scum bag loves making jokes about politicians and their cheating ways, but then gets caught screwing someone at his job. The only reason this came out was because that guy that was going to blackmail him leaked everything. I am sure that Letterman is sorry he got caught and not so "sorry" that he hurt his wife. Ugh. Disgust.

1 comment:

jean said...

He only admited to all of it because he knew it was all about to explode in the media. What a MAN huh?
In the past he was always moralising every no-good doer and mocking exra marital affairs and easy women etc. Remember how he mocked Sarah Palin's teenage daughter (the other one)? Well look who's talking now!I just hope he gets slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit from an intern or the cleaning lady's teenage daughter or HEY why not the cleaning lady herself!!! I'm not sorry for him AT ALL. I'm even more disgusted now as I've just read somewhere that his ratings have GONE WTF UP!!! Are viewers really THAT dumb?!! (closes mouth and screams so as not to wake up sleeping dog beside me°)