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Monday, November 09, 2009

The exorcist steps will kill you

I was in D.C this weekend and went to see the infamous steps from the exorcist movie. You know I had to pose dead. It was a must!


jean said...

That's so spooky Ruddy!The Exorcist is one of the scariest movies ever!
Do NOT tell me you dabble with Ouiji Boards too!(goosebumps and doing the sign of the cross).
I have some Brazilian friends who practic Macumba but even they don't mess with Ouiji Boards.If you do...send me Manny for safe keeping...ahem.

Ruddy said...

HAHA. girl i was just playing actor and recreating the scene. If I was wearing all black i would have taken it to the next level and done a full out photoshoot inspired by the exorcist. NO OUIJI for me. Or tarot cards. or anything. But I do like horror movies.