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Friday, January 23, 2009

Blake is a classy girl...

Blake is not one of my favorite people and I do not watch Gossip Girl, but I have had reason to think about her all week. First of all, she is wearing Ralph Lauren in her spread for Vogue. Looks like a classy girl that lives on the upper east side...um, is her character on Gossip girl even a character, or is it just her acting like her normal self? Well, I work for RL now, so I'm keeping an eye out for the clothes I see in the magazines.

I was also thinking about how famous she is getting and how her just as pretty co star is getting thrown into teen magazines while Blake gets to do Vogue and W magazine. Why? Most people I talk to that watch the show tell me they all pretty much love the other girl and her character is much better than Serena's. BUT There is something to be said when I can't remember the other co stars name or the name of her character on the show after someone just told me last night.

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