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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Single Man is a visual treat

Thank you Tom ford for taking Christopher Isherwood's 1964 novel A Single Man and adapting it to film. This is Tom's debut film and I am not only impressed, but so interested that I have to go buy this book now. Ford's attention to detail and experience in the fashion world bring a very unique view to the telling of this story. This is a portrayal of a gay man in midlife. George, the protagonist, is adjusting to life on his own after the sudden death of his partner. The acting by Collin firth is top notch, but it is Julian Moore who steals the show for me. She uses her small time on the screen to her advantage and delivers some of the best lines in the film. This is a must see!

1 comment:

Honey T said...

oh man! I dunno what it is about Mr. Darcy AKA Colin Firth that just makes me so moist!:)